Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome: Causes And Symptoms

By Iconic MNL
8 Min Read
Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome Causes And Symptoms

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSP) is an ongoing problem for many people. Some people don’t always recognize they are suffering from DSP until it is too late. Often, it takes months or even years to figure out if you have Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome or not.

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome is an insomniac-related sleep disorder. It is also called the delayed sleep phase type. Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome occurs when people go through stages where they have poor memory, concentration, alertness and eventually can’t function during their waking hours. Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome is the result of the body not being able to get the proper amounts of melatonin and other important natural sleep chemicals, which regulate your body clock. When you are suffering from Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, the body’s natural circadian rhythms begin to shift and your brain doesn’t know when to adjust to the day’s time. As a result, your body keeps on working overtime and you can end up feeling fatigued, having problems concentrating, having sleep disorders, and even going through mood swings.

Causes Of Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

The causes of delayed sleep phase syndrome have been the subject of several studies over the last few years, and although many scientists are quick to point out the symptoms, there is still disagreement among the scientific community as to what exactly causes this disorder. It is known that it is triggered by a change in the amount of melatonin that your body makes, and recent studies seem to indicate that there are certain types of foods that can trigger this increase in production. In the end, it appears as if several different lifestyle factors could be responsible for delayed sleep phase syndrome.

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

Diet – One of the suspected causes of delayed sleep phase syndrome is diet because eating a meal very close to bedtime can cause problems with sleeping. Although it’s not proven that eating a big meal right before you go to sleep is the cause of DSPS, those who do have this issue tend to report that they feel more alert in the afternoon than they do during the evening. Sleep is also important otherwise it will cause delayed sleep syndrome so try to sleep 54 inches wide and 75 inches long on this size of the mattress. Some nutritionists believe that the hormone levels of the brain may be affected by the amount of food that is consumed. This would explain the reports from some patients that they feel more alert after eating a large meal.

Physical Trauma Another possible reason for delayed sleep phase syndrome is actual physical trauma that was suffered during the time that the patient suffered DSPS. The bunk bed mattresses are helpful. These cases usually include a person falling onto their back or having some other sort of accident. There have also been cases where patients who were involved in car accidents have reported feeling more drowsy after the accident occurred rather than after they got home from the hospital.

Amount Of Light – Diet isn’t the only suspect when it comes to delayed sleep phase behavior. A person’s circadian rhythm is also affected by the amount of light that they are exposed to as well. This is why many people have trouble sleeping at night after using a computer all day. The light pollution that is present causes the melatonin levels in the body to drop, which then disrupts the sleep cycle. If you work on a computer all day and stay up late studying, you’re probably going to need to make sure that you turn off the lights before you go to bed. The same thing applies if you are naturally born to be naturally bright and awake at night.

Symptoms Of Delayed Sleep Symptoms

Loss Of Appetite – Symptoms of Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome are fairly common for those who are suffering from this disorder. But one should not get overly worried about it as there are several treatment options available for them. The first symptom of DSPS is loss of appetite. It is also accompanied by weight loss problems. The second symptom is irritability, which is a common sign of sleep insomnia. However, there are several more symptoms of delayed sleep phase syndrome.

High Blood Pressure – In some cases, the symptoms of delayed sleep phase syndrome develop into symptoms such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, or even cancer. There are so many standard pillow sizes that are important for sleep. There are several reasons behind these symptoms developing into conditions like these. But since these symptoms can develop at any point in the patient’s life, they need to be looked into carefully so that the proper diagnosis can be made.

Generally, if left uncorrected, these symptoms of delayed sleep phase disorder can lead to many serious health conditions. Hence, they require urgent treatment so that they can be avoided in the future. Softside waterbeds help to reduce high blood pressure. Hence, if you are suffering from any delayed sleep phase symptoms, then you need to see your doctor so that proper testing and diagnosis are done.

Inability To Fall Asleep – Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome causes several symptoms. Among them are frequent urination, frequent drowsiness, confusion, poor concentration, headache, fatigue, insomnia, and irritability. But the most important symptom is the constant inability to fall asleep or stay asleep in bed. This problem can cause a lot of problems in a person’s life. Aside from the mentioned symptoms, depression, anxiety, and stress can also be present. They are a real danger as they will affect someone’s overall health and mental condition.


If left untreated, Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome will eventually develop into a much more serious condition. Hence, it is always advisable to seek immediate treatment. It is not always true that the symptoms will go away on their own. They can only be cured with the right treatment and support from the patient’s family and friends.

The treatment for Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome is quite varied depending on the severity of the condition. Some doctors would prescribe antidepressants and some would suggest their patients undergo psychiatric counseling. And some would use hypnotism to treat Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. Some doctors may even suggest their patients undergo mild therapy that will allow them to learn how to deal with their daily stressors better.

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