In a bid to combat the credibility issues plaguing news and social media platforms in the Philippine media landscape, profile network is set to provide a secure environment where Filipino users can safeguard their reputations.

Developed over the last three years by the Australian private equity group Kismet Group with James Mawhinney as its CEO, is designed to become home to millions of verified individuals, business executives, celebrities, influencers, politicians, and brands for online reputation management. On, they and their PR representatives can tell their stories and respond, challenge, correct, and share their views about all forms of content without the risk of being degraded by fake profiles or trolls.
“The world is experiencing an information crisis because of how and where information is being published. Readers are being misled by clickbait or misleading articles due to social media platforms being driven by advertiser revenues. I experienced first-hand, through the Australian Securities & Investments Commission regulatory debacle, how rapidly false narratives can spread online and how they get recycled over and over in the press and on social media. In an era where reputations built over many years can be destroyed at lightspeed, a profile will be indispensable for anyone with a reputation to protect,” stated Mawhinney.
According to Mawhinney, addresses reputation problems caused by social networks that elevate or prioritize divisive content for engagement. Users can promptly react to stories, posts, or comments about them on third-party platforms and publications without fear of their messages being manipulated or overshadowed by algorithms with contrasting agendas. ensures users have a genuine ‘right of reply’, which is increasingly rare in today’s digital ecosystem.
“With our launch, we aim to provide a secure haven for free expression and protection against misinformation by allowing users to engage, respond & deconstruct all forms of media. is a world-first platform of its kind” Mawhinney added. already has profile registrations from over one hundred countries including the Philippines and plans to empower Filipinos to take control of their digital reputations and foster a culture of responsible media engagement. profiles will be activated progressively throughout 2024 on a first-in, first-served basis.