From conquering virtual worlds and grooving to chart-topping hits, step into your ultimate entertainment playground! This category offers something for everyone, whether you’re a film buff craving movie magic, a gamer seeking the next big adventure, or a music lover searching for your new favorite artist.


Well-loved masterpieces come to life in Ballet Manila’s 26th Performance Season

“A showcase of technical and virtuosic feats’ is how world-renowned prima ballerina…

Iconic MNL

Donny Pangilinan portrays an esports gamer in ‘Good Game’

In ‘GG,’ actor Donny Pangilinan goes out of his comfort zone by…

Iconic MNL

Entering the warrior era: DAMSEL, coming to Netflix March 8th

Millie Bobby Brown is making her return to the big screen in…

RV Cuarto

The Game That Changed History: A First Look at Squid Game Season 2

Netflix’s mega-hit series, Squid Game, is set to make a triumphant return this…

Iconic MNL

Killer Paradox Trailer: Is He a Godsent Hero or an Unpunished Sinner?

A Killer Paradox entangles the story of an ordinary man, Lee Tang…

Iconic MNL

Return to the Scene of the Crime with ‘BERLIN’

Money Heist spin-off Berlin has consistently claimed its spot in Netflix’s top…

Iconic MNL

Gyeongseong Creature Season 2 Is Officially Confirmed!

Gyeongseong Creature returns with an enthralling second season, extending its narrative from the…

Iconic MNL

Live-Action ‘Yu Yu Hakusho’ Trailer Unveils Trailblazing Visual Effects

Ahead of the eagerly awaited debut of Yu Yu Hakusho next week, the trailer…

Iconic MNL

REP returns in full force with a new season of dynamic productions for 2024

Repertory Philippines returns to form for its 87th season with a full…

Iconic MNL

‘Replacing Chef Chico’ pioneers a new era of local content for Netflix Philippines

Netflix Philippines proudly unveiled REPLACING CHEF CHICO, the very first Filipino Netflix Original series,…

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